Preventing Bullying Begins with Us – Anti-Bullying Panel

Drs. Stephanie Jones and Richard Weissbourd addressed the Walden Forum at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, April 30. The Walden Forum is held at the First Parish Meeting House, at the intersection of Routes 20 and 27 in Wayland, Mass.

Drs. Stephanie Jones and Richard Weissbourd addressed the Walden Forum at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, April 30.

On February 29, Weissbourd and Jones helped orchestrate the Harvard Graduate School of Education launch of Lady Gaga’s Born This Way Foundation. The foundation has partnered with The Berkman Center at Harvard and other foundations to explore the best ways to reach youth and create a new culture of of kindness, bravery, acceptance and empowerment.

It is their feeling that it is important for educators, parents, coaches and all in the community to address the issue of bullying. We must continue to raise awareness about its prevalence, and help our youth as well as our adult community understand its detrimental effects on all involved.

The Anti-Bullying Duo will discuss the various actions of bullies, the reasons for their actions, the effects of bullying, and possible responses for taking a stand against bullying. By raising awareness of bullying we can help decrease the behavior. How can we curb this problem once and for all? And how do we capitalize on all the attention focused on the subject now?

They will help us recognize where the main solution lies and to avoid the tendency to simply blame bullying on “bad” kids or bad behavior. Bullying often has deep roots in parents’ attitudes and behavior, along with parents, administrators and educators who ignore the problem. Stopping bullying begins with us and our community and with changing the attitudes that allow it to continue.